I had not really considered moving because WFH is an option, other than the digital nomad dreams that float through my mind. :D
In my case, I live in small town WV (pop < 2500) and work outside Pittsburgh, PA. Living in WV basically means you can afford a house with acres of property IF you can make more than 60k / year (which is a big IF for most around here).
Back to the original point - The choice to live in one place over another, shorter or longer commutes, etc.. Is not the company shifting its operating cost onto its employees. is it? Do I misunderstand still?
Seems to me, if anything, this is an opportunity to continue to live the way you did before with slightly more free time and potentially more money OR, as you say, move a bit more out of town and save even more money.
This change should decrease costs for the employee, open up the labor market for the employer thus lowering costs for them as well.
Shedding office space is a great way to save money anywhere in the country - Let alone in a hyper expensive place like downtown SF.
I am still failing to understand how this is pushing the cost of business onto employees.
I had not really considered moving because WFH is an option, other than the digital nomad dreams that float through my mind. :D
In my case, I live in small town WV (pop < 2500) and work outside Pittsburgh, PA. Living in WV basically means you can afford a house with acres of property IF you can make more than 60k / year (which is a big IF for most around here).
Back to the original point - The choice to live in one place over another, shorter or longer commutes, etc.. Is not the company shifting its operating cost onto its employees. is it? Do I misunderstand still?
Seems to me, if anything, this is an opportunity to continue to live the way you did before with slightly more free time and potentially more money OR, as you say, move a bit more out of town and save even more money.
This change should decrease costs for the employee, open up the labor market for the employer thus lowering costs for them as well. Shedding office space is a great way to save money anywhere in the country - Let alone in a hyper expensive place like downtown SF.
I am still failing to understand how this is pushing the cost of business onto employees.