I maintain an open source visual studio code plugin that organizes plaintext (md, tex, html you name it) files with a simple directive `@nested-tags: tag1, some/hierarchy/you/want`. I have been pretty lazy in regards to actively adding features to it though. I do have plans on adding a graph based visualization and to add more detailed views to simplify workflow. If you're interested in obsidian but don't want to be locked in, check it out.
I maintain an open source visual studio code plugin that organizes plaintext (md, tex, html you name it) files with a simple directive `@nested-tags: tag1, some/hierarchy/you/want`. I have been pretty lazy in regards to actively adding features to it though. I do have plans on adding a graph based visualization and to add more detailed views to simplify workflow. If you're interested in obsidian but don't want to be locked in, check it out.