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This was quite a 'walk-back' of the original headline.

It started as "Why I am not worried about Japan’s nuclear reactors" on one site. The title is now "Modified version of original post written by Josef Oehmen", with the content modified and moved to another site.

It also now includes a disclaimer "Note that the title of the original blog does not reflect the views of the authors of the site." Perhaps they should just come out and say, "we're experts and we're worried".

Unfortunately, this version is not as entertaining to read. It does seem much more accurate, though.

Yes, I'm really grateful to them for cutting through the crap. It's nice to have a relatively confident sense of what's going on.

Is there anything in the article to actually support the headline "we're worried"?

I would guess they're worried about some unknown or unprecedented contingency caused by the unique circumstances, as any rational person should be. Still, this has not happened and there is no scientifically sound reason that it should happen, based on our experience.

Just remember that the "original" was a blog post quoting an email posted by someone other than the writer---the "original" title was not the author of the email's.

Perhaps they should just come out and say, "we're experts but please, stop mailing us questions".

In my view, the reason why this new version is less enjoyable to read is, that they've just precised the numbers, labels and terms rather than the conclusion.

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