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I fully accept that you are willing to put up with this and that you'd like to see something 'in between'.

I'm not and most people I know aren't. The 2 metre rule will kill off all of the cultural institutions I hold dear. The recent video of a Wetherspoons pub with 2m distancing has people guffawing up and down the country.

It doesn't make sense to me anyway - as I've said, a person in a vulnerable group will not wish to perform outdoor leisure activities, or work, etc, even with the 2-metre-rule in place.

We'll just have to agree to disagree.

> The 2 metre rule will kill off all of the cultural institutions I hold dear.

So will people dying, far more effectively. What's your point?

> The recent video of a Wetherspoons pub with 2m distancing has people guffawing up and down the country.

And it's also insufficient. Not safe for hours in an enclosed space with strangers and recirculating air, not at 2 meters, or at 5 meters.


I don't think that "it raised a chuckle" is the devastating criticism of a deadly disease countermeasure that you seem to think it is. The virus won't care what you think.

Yes, it's madness. The whole thing is pointless even if it did work, which it won't, because as I posted above people will ignore the rules almost instantaneously, especially once they're a few pints in.

I'll just end this by saying that some people are like you, some people are like me.

We're not going to stay in fear forever. You might. I hope whatever happens that you manage to find peace with it. Godspeed.

And you're still in denial. I hope you get through it. But remember: You don't have to adapt, survival is optional.

You're invited to my funeral.. wait, no you're not, sorry, you can watch it on Zoom.

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