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How do you change your password?

By getting married and adopting your (new) husband's/wife's lastname, apparently.

"Honey, will you change my library password?" (Pulls out ring.)

I want to change my password. Now!

People cannot change their password. Whatever the system has for your last name is your password. This is common in libraries because a) your barcode is assumed to be mildy private and b) online access to your account doesn't give you access to physical objects (even if you request something, we require barcodes and picture ID to circulate the item) thus mitigating any financial losses to the user.

This does raise concern regarding unauthorized access to licensed content. If you google for EZProxy logins you can find dozens of lists of accounts to Universities. My experience is that libraries rely on publishers to ulinately report abuse though at which point we suspend the barcode and issue a new one to the legitimate user.

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