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I am surprised nobody mentioned this yet: Japan has a much MUCH lower level of income (and wealth) inequality than the US, Haiti, etc. [1]

There are just a lot fewer poor people in Japan. So if your house got leveled by the tsunami, you can go to your friends, relatives, family, etc for a little help because they aren't half impoverished already.

I don't mean to demean the theory regarding social differences. I'm sure it's very true that society's standards and everyone's individual respect for shared property play crucial roles in the lack of looting. But I'm willing to bet that economic factors made a difference too.

[1] https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/...

The UN Gini numbers:

  Japan: .249
  US: .408
  Haiti: .592

Aside from media exaggeration of looting, which is almost instant after a disaster where there are significant numbers of black people. Pretty much, the mirror image of this post. Google "looting in Japan" if you want to take a sample of the most racist invective on the internet. I mean, if the Japanese have honor in their blood...

Also, because there are fewer poor people, there are fewer people growing up without access to decent family and educational training and enculturation.

Not to mention a very well executed disaster plan, both before and after the earthquake.

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