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So, help me understand this please.

Two hours of practice a day is optimal. And a 35-40 hour workweek for information workers is optimal (from other sources, not the Ericsson study.)

I assume that if one deliberately practices, there is less willpower left to work, reducing the effective workweek by about 10 hours to 25-30. That is not sustainable for a normal person. The exception would be if the skill practiced used different parts of the body and mind than the work. For example, practicing basketball while working a programming job.

Do I have that right?

I wonder if the trade-off of devoting those 10 hours to deliberate practice results in much better use of the other 25-30.

I wonder too. It would be really nice, and I should try it. But, I do remember Jason Fried telling me that their four day week didn't work out because it effectively became a 3.5 day week, and that simply was not enough time to run the business. 3.5 days is 28 hours in a 40 hour week. And the 37signals employees seem to do a lot of deliberate practice on their own time.

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