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Japanese vending machines also have a safety lever (of sorts) that makes all the beverages free, in the event of a catastrophe.

I don't know how it works specifically, but I'm sure there would be better ways than to vandalize the machines in order to obtain the contents.

I don't know if this is true, but this was making rounds today:

  If you need water, Suntory vending machines have emergency
  levers beneath a sticker on the upper-right corners. Pull
  the sticker off, pull the lever firmly and you’ll get free 

The thought process is probably more like: Why would you vandalize the machine? All of the people that use this machine would be upset. I don't want to upset all those people.

don't know about a lever, but practically all vending machines have a phone it them that can call home about being short on drinks etc. There are also specific machines that have water, speakers, and a screen in addition to the usual fizzy drinks that the local municipality can use in an emergency to give out drinks free, display messages, and sound warnings. These machines are rather few and far between at schools or near city offices, but I have seen them here and there.

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