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This actually happened. When we were living in Tokyo my wife lost her wallet. A day later she found that it was sitting in the basket of her bicycle outside our building. This was a busy street in a business district (Nihonbashi) with hundreds of people going past it and it was a large new coach wallet with at least a few hundred in cash.

Not that someone wouldn't have eventually stolen it though.

>Not that someone wouldn't have eventually stolen it though. Japan is only nearly Utopian.

Let's be careful with the orientalism. The suicide rate[1][2] is one thing that personally bothers me.

Japan is fundamentally different from the West, and this has its advantages and disadvantages.

[1]: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/List_of_count...

[2]: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/List_of_OECD_...

Clear trends:

* Southern Europe/Mediterranean/Levantine countries - low suicide rates.

* English-speaking/Northern countries/former Communist block in Eastern Europe/Developed Asian countries - high suicide rates.

Seems to be related to amount of daylight, climate, stress and competition.

Has anybody else noticed the magical effect of sunlight? A few days ago was the first sunny day of the year. Everyone was very happy.

Magic, or a surge of vitamin D3 in their bloodstreams.

I deleted that line, so we don't have to have the world's most boring discussion on HN.

If you follow the "more information" link on Japan, you'll find that the high suicide rate is a recent thing that's happened since the Bubble burst.

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