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The summary is missing a couple very important points

1. There a ramp up of deliberate practice time in all experts developments starting from 20-30m a day to the noted 4 hours a day.

2. There is a ramp up in skill level of the teachers of experts starting from parents, to local experts, to recognized experts, to the tops of whatever field you're trying to master.

You can't just increase your skill, you need a better coach.

These points are not made clearly in Ericssons paper. Please check out (http://www.amazon.com/Cambridge-Expertise-Performance-Handbo...) for a more complete and useful overview of the topic.

More interesting by far than hacking yourself is investigating the neural basis for why this method of learning works. Expertise is not special, but a special case of normal learning. It's noticing what you could be learning rather than what you need to get by. Once this is accepted you can recognize the common thread of skill, information and descriminatory ability aquisition throughout the animal kingdom. Heck you can train Aplysia to be an expert! It's all based on fundamental properties of neuronal systems and that, frankly, is amazingly cool.

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