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You would also need to avoid any and every other way of revealing your location.

Less hard than you think.

I really just need a closet in SF with my own gear and off to the races.

It's a shame slavery doesn't exist any longer. I'd sell myself to a company owned by a shell company I control in a state where slavery is illegal and siphon all my income that way.

If someone is claiming to be local they just say report to some location on campus and badge in.

Just pray travel expenses never pop up I guess?

if you're a dev the chances of you incurring a travel expense is low.

Really? I'm a dev (although not at Facebook) and I travel for work several times a year. Also, all of the remote employees I've worked with have traveled to the office occasionally.

dunno i’ve been fully remote for 6 years now. Many reasons people get together. Several times a year is my experience. Would be a tough pill to swallow to have to secretly travel to town, get a hotel, all on my own dime. What a huge stress & pain in the ass.

edit: In fact, “get the team together quarterly” is, last I heard, pretty standard guidance for distributed teams. I think it’s a fair assumption if you have little experience working remote. There’s more travel involved than you think though.

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