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> At 2% a day cases double every 5 weeks. Would anyone apply this reasoning to any other disease?

I don't know but maybe the flu [1]? I don't think focusing just on the infection rate is useful.

> Classic psychological denial is clearly operating in force.

I think the denial is in thinking that we can beat the virus by extending the lock down for years (you say "might take two or more years"). It is likely that all we are doing is slowing down the spread, and that it will eventually infect most of the population, stopping only when we reach herd immunity. I say this is likely because this is where we are headed unless we come up with a vaccine or treatment at an unprecedented speed -- not something I would bet on.

If this is indeed where we are headed, it may be better to open up as much as possible short of overwhelming the healthcare system. Note that in many places, the healthcare systems are significantly below capacity (e.g. [2]).

[1] https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situati...

[2] https://www.sccgov.org/sites/covid19/Pages/dashboard.aspx

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