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> Seatbelt and helmet laws are a condition of using property that isn't yours (the road).

"Mask laws" are a condition of using property that isn't yours (the road, the town square, the park, the trail). Nobody is going to force you to wear on mask on your own property.

The government doesn't own public property. The public does. This is a subtle point.

Now, can Wholefoods (to pick a private business) force you to wear a mask as a condition of using their store? Absolutely.

Can your friend demand you wear a mask before you hang out and use their pool? Sure.

Can the government demand you use a mask on non-government owned land? No.

Can the government demand you wear a mask before entering a courthouse? Well, that becomes a whole thing and the answer is "maybe?".

The word "public" was used in both cases.

There is no "government" as an owner of anything. Anything not owned by individuals (within the USA) is owned by some sector of the public (either the entire nation, or a state, or a city etc. etc.). Governments do not own courthouses, they do not own national parks.

Governments are the structures we use to make decisions about legal, economic and social policy. They are not owners - the public is.

But I've forgotten your posting history, so I can't really tell if we're in violent agreement or if you're just flipping your terminology around.

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