Yep. I loved rooting droids and jailbreaking iPhones back then. It almost seems like it ain’t worth it these days. I can’t think of much I can get in JB that I can’t have anyway
It’s definitely interesting! I think the iPhone hardware is amazing, and Android is the only alternate OS I would consider running so it’s just a great match. Fun project.
When the first web based jailbreak[1] dropped I felt like something important had happened among the mundane. Rooting the HTC G1 and jailbreaking pre-App Store iOS was a PC-assisted complicated revelation; being able to JB straight from the browser doubly so.
I’m having flashbacks of mistyped commands on a G1 keyboard leading to restoring my nandroid backups. It took a couple tries but was well worth it for the decent overclock I was able to get out of it. With an extended battery it was a pretty decent two or three day charge phone with some battery management. Still love that phone.