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Typically they simply don't test!

If you do test, you really can only test each unit in isolation - testing the kind of setup in the article is just too hard and the tooling for doing automated tests on that kind of thing is not very mature. There is stuff like localstack/samstack/etc but I haven't seen anyone really use it as part of a workable test strategy for serverless AWS.

Consider what happens outside of serverlessland: when people have 15+ microservices each of which needs a different docker container and different data store. Do they tend to do whole-system testing of it? No, in my experience people tend mumble something about "contracts" and test individual bits in isolation.

This is on top of the open secret which is: it's very, very hard to predict what the ongoing costs of a serverless solution will be. Most of the services are priced by usage but the units are small (seconds, minutes, etc) and the sums are too (eg $0.000452 per hour of xyz). Post-project bill shock is a considerable problem.

Source: worked at an AWS partner consultancy on many cloud "architectures" similar to the article.

Actually using cloud formation, it’s really easy to do integration testing. Often times server less can be cheaper because the systems only pay for what they use. High tps is expensive on server less, but low tps is dirt cheap. Source is I work at aws

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