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How is that any different than a typical web server? Hopefully you don’t maintain state on your web server either. This isn’t a new concept. Even in the early 2000s when I was maintaining two web servers behind a physical load balancer we knew to maintain session state separately from the web server.

I had the same question - if this guy has each web request adding to local state on his web server, I have some bad news...

I hate to be “that guy”. But “the cloud” is no more than someone else managing servers and services at varying levels of abstraction.

I have no idea why some people hear AWS/Azure and they act as if the same architectural principles that have always applied still apply, just on a more granular scale in the case of “Serverless”.

Not sure I understand the point you are making?

> and they act as if the same architectural principles that have always applied still apply,

They do still apply...

I was agreeing with you.

More of a rant about the person who complains about not being able to maintain state at a tier that you never maintain state at in even a traditional architecture.

ah, gotcha! Very good :)

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