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I'm not entirely sure that is as negative as it sounds. My average consumption is about 4KW/h per day. I just checked with my parents and they, with a multi-computer a home office, use about 6KW/h per day. So lets take that as an average.

Our systems account for about 2KW/h per person, per day. So that is about 30% of our own energy consumption.

15,000 ppl @ 6KW/h = 90,000 KW/h

3,000 ppl (20%) generating 2KW/h = 6,000 KW/h

That's 6% of the towns energy generation.

Which might not sound a lot, true. But on the other hand commercial renewable energy production in the UK accounts for about the same amount (8 ish percent I believe). So if everyone did it that would double renewable energy production.

I find that significant :)

I admit to "over egging" the ease, and being extremely optimistic in terms of the coverage and uptake of such a mass social movement :) but I still think it is something we all should try.

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