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Hard to find the opt-out button. You have to sign in, go to your "profile builder" [0], and then click the very low contrast "Visibility settings" button just below the top of your profile.

[0]: https://triplebyte.com/candidates/profile_builder

Talking about dark patterns, the email was sent after 5:00pm on a Friday before the long week-end.

Triplebyte team knew that their users were not going to like it and did their best to slip this through.

Triplebyte went from being a respectable company helping skilled hackers by-pass white-board interviews to being a prime example of unethical tech company in one stroke.

They've been sketchy since inception. I was in a very early batch, if not the first, in 2015.

Remember that the premise was that they were non-adversarial, anti-gotcha interviews, whiteboards, nit-picky algo implementations from memory, etc. They purported to do some qualitative analysis instead.

We schedule a session and I get the confirmation: "This is a chance for you to go into more depth, and show us something that you've built. This will not be a high-pressure interview." I get at email the day before our scheduled session that says, "Remember that we're going to talk to you about a project that you've worked on," as agreed.

The following day, just a few hours before our appointment, a founder emails me saying, "Just wanted to give you a quick heads up that rather than walking through a project today, you'll be doing some programming together with an engineer."

They duped me into an adversarial interview. That kinda thing grinds my gears, but I went along with it anyway. I get the response: "We really enjoyed it and thought you did great. We'd love to talk more with you and invite you to a second technical interview."

I opted out as this continued. They acknowledged that they were changing things around without telling people, but it was just so antithetical to the mission that it became disingenuous.

When you pair that attitude of disregard with fact that they're playing sociologists, it's a bad look.

Wow, it's like it's following every dark pattern in the book. Wouldn't have found it out myself.

It's a master class in dark patterns. I guess they figure this will be good in the long run, but I'll never trust anything from Triplebyte or Ammon Bartram after this.

Easier to find the "delete account" link...


It takes 30 days for any of these, actions to take place, but the window in which it was announced is a week. Something seems off.

And you need to have logged in already for the delete to work, after which you get an email to approve the request which ends up with this notice of requiring government id as well. Govt Id, really, what are they thinking here?


We're processing your request and should be done within 30 days.

We will verify your request using the information associated with your account. Government identification may be required and we may ask you for more information in order to verify your identify.


Triplebyte has definitely been the worst experience I have ever had, in fact they are so bad, i would rate them below the other unprofessional recruiters we all come across!

This corresponds to the 30 days allowed for GDPR:

"Under Article 12.3 of the GDPR, you have 30 days to provide information on the action your organization will decide to take on a legitimate erasure request. This timeframe can be extended up to 60 days depending on the complexity of the request"

I deleted my account today and will issue a GDPR request if It doesn't get deleted.

Problem is, you'll never know. Companies simply append 'deleted' to your email address or other data in your record. This then makes the system reply there is no account.

You think it's actually gone while they still have your data. You should do the GDPR request no matter what and hope they're honest in responding to that...

I did this exactly right now and super pissed on what they are trying achieve by this jumping around the hoops

Thanks, I could not find this link when I logged into the app. I would have assumed this option would be under the profile page.

Note that I clicked that and got an email saying that it would be automatically reactivated in 24 months. I would just delete your account at https://triplebyte.com/privacy-center

Thanks for this, there is no way I would have ever found this without your post. It definitely seems like this link is intentionally hidden.

Anyone else just get another unsolicited email from them?

Subject: Triplebyte explained, from coding quiz to job offers

"Hey there, I'm Tyler, one of the engineers here at Triplebyte!"

This hours after opting out, setting privacy options, and deleting account.

Crushing it guys...

And to delete account you have to email them.

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