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They mean chains of memes and call response waves and not just saying what you mean. eg the leading jokes about collective.


I still think they bring an interesting bit of salt and pepper to the discussion: open-workspaces bring out a lot of opinions from workers and employees, and in my opinion are pretty low hanging fruit for a newly collectively-organized white collar workforce in 2020.

Your thoughts?

I think you're not getting many responses because few people agree with you or don't care. or because you are threadjacking. you may think your post is on topic but I don't think a lot of people would.

Also I can't parse most of your message. I think you are so far into your belief in this premise that no one can follow what you are saying; you are making a LOT of assumptions that others aren't.

For instance I have no idea what "newly collectively-organized white collar workforce in 2020" means. or "open-workspaces bring out a lot of opinions from workers and employees"

open-workspaces bring out a lot of opinions from workers and employees


Yes. It brings opinions out from people with certain personality traits.

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