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Sounds to me like the problem is, that the company taking out the cannon to shoot at sparrows and that nobody seem to have bothered to provide working dev environments?

It feels common that people think they their every problem requires a planetary scale solution or one that handles every conceivable case that could occur before the heat death of the universe. Be that because your a startup and think you are going to need to support a hundred million concurrent users on launch day, or because your an enterprise and think because your are oh so important you need to use the same tools other important companies use.

My own anecdote: When we refactored our early stage app we had a huge mess with the Redis based queue system. It was one of the biggest sources of errors and a massive pain to troubleshoot or even to monitor what is going on. So we investigated in a bunch of different solutions including all the usual contenders, and we ended up with: Let's just ditch the messages / queues altogether for now and just do boring old cron like jobs invoking internal api endpoints in regular intervals. This made 9 out of 10 cases a lot easier to maintain, and for the remainder, while temporary more difficult, we introduced a queue again at a much later stage.

I'm not saying you shouldn't use and you can't benefit of RabbitMQ at small scales or any technology for that matter. But I think too often in tech decision making ones own or the companies perceived importance, what is cool or what would look good on a CV takes precedence over what really fits the problem in context.

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