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You can add semicolons at the end of python lines to replace \n's when calling from the command line.

  python3 -c "n=1;print(n)"

How does it deal with code blocks normally defined by indentation? (As an aside, indentation being part of syntax is the only thing keeping me disgusted with python - I like the language otherwise.)

it doesn't :) though it works fine if your terminal allows multiline input:

  python -c "
  for x in stuff:
at some point i even wrote a hacky little wrapper that let you use braces and replaced¹ them with spaces+newlines, something like this:

  pyc-wrap "for x in stuff { this(x); that(x); }"
i can dig the code up if you need it :)


though after that i sort of went of the deep end adding perl-style "it" ($_) variables for loop variables:

  for stuff { this($); that($);
(yes, closing braces at the end were optional...)

and for the result of the previous line:

  2; $+1; hex($);
  # roughly translates to:
  x = 2; x = x+1; x = hex(x);
surprisingly pleasant to use for shell-like tasks actually!

edit: almost forgot - if during execution you used a name `foo` not found in locals/globals, `foo` was treated as an external command, and resolved to something like

  lambda *args: os.system('foo', *args)
so that you could (sorta) easily call external commands. fun times :)


¹ slightly more involved than a dumb code.replace('{', ':\n') because you need to maintain the indent level... but around that level of sophistication

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