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Also, we can solve traffic fatalities by getting rid of cars.

That might not be a bad idea. Not only would there be far fewer fatalities, but we'd be much less reliant on fossil fuels.

That, in turn, would not only forestall global warming, but possibly prevent some of the "hard crash" scenarios that could happen on the way down from the oil peak.

Unfortunately, getting rid of cars would probably be much harder than getting rid of nuclear power plants.

So I'd vote to start on something that's realistically accomplishable in the relatively near term: get rid of existing nuclear power plants, and keep new ones from being built.

So how do I expect to travel 30 miles to work again? Bike my way there?

Jobs would necessarily have to be much closer to home.

The onset of global warming and the oil peak are starting to prove that building economies around suburbs, highways, and long commutes is unsustainable anyway.

See this great documentary, "The End of Suburbia":


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