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I'm not sure whether it's that "HN seems to want a heavy dose of finality..." or if we're just naturally inclined to want good news in the face of overwhelmingly bad news.

I keep on thinking of Akira Kurosawa's "Dreams..." (One of the segments deals with just this kind of scenario. The protagonist finds himself in hell after a nuclear disaster.) A horror like this has been in the cultural subconscious of Japan for decades. They always knew that there was a possibility of something like this, but they chose to gamble against it happening.

They didn't do it because they were foolish, or naive. They did their best to avert that disaster. The people had faith in the talent and skills of those engineers responsible.

It's our nature to want to see the good... even in a horror like this. (Especially a bunch of people who are willing to risk everything to start a business.)

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