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Historically, coal-fired power plants have been much more dangerous for humans than nuclear power plants. I think the record shows that nuclear power is on the whole pretty safe.

Regarding proof: I don't think anything has been proven, yet, except that there have been a lot of powerful forces at work with this disaster.

Yes, in history. But that turns an eye to black swan events of mass proportion that only nuclear power is capable of.

Only nuclear power? What about the BP oil spill? Exxon Valdez? Coal slurry wiping out homes in West Virginia?

Caesium-137 has a 30 year half life. If that blew into Tokyo, the city would be uninhabitable for 200 years - just like Chernobyl.

That said, there have been some pretty nasty events associated with coal as well, which are however surprisingly unknown: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingston_Fossil_Plant_coal_fly_... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_County_sludge_spill

Doesn't compare to the potential consequences of a nuclear incident, but it's quite possible to build and mishandle crappy coal infrastructure, too.

So, coal is the car, and nuclear power is the airplane.

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