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One consequence of reinventing the wheel (go) is going through the same problems others stumbled over years ago.

As someone who is currently transitioning from Go to Java/Kotlin I agree with you to an extent. However, I was surprised that I wasn't able to find anything in the Java/Kotlin universe that is comparable to Go's web request context cancellation.


BTW what do you think about the transition? What do you miss that was in go and would you miss in go that you find in Kotlin + the JVM library ecosystem?

Loom will have superior context cancellation and deadline handling than golang. https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rpressler/loom/loom/sol1_part1....

I didn't read all of it, but I was wondering: In a virtual loom thread, am I allowed to call currentThread().sleep(...); or will it block the system thread? Or is there some magic like currentThread().sleepAndThen(..., ()->{}); ?

CompletableFuture is the closest concept in Java, to my knowledge.

java.util.concurrent has a ton of great classes. If you need to do shared memory concurrency, it probably has something there to help you.

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