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Are there any resources to read about this more? This is crazy!

The best resource for a foreigner it would be to follow normal Venezuelans in Twitter (Twitter is huge in the country! I would even dare to say it is more influential than in the US, , that is another interesting topic for another day). There is a r/Vzla in reddit, but you will get there a very specific slice of the population (young,English-speaking, pro-US, etc).

The thing is everything is changing daily. For example, gas costs oficially less than 1 cent per liter, people usually left more in tips to the guy at the pump than the payment for a full SUV tank. But now, due to the huge crisis and sanctions gas is scarce(can you imagine?) so naturally there are lots of trouble at the gas stations and the government is sending the national guard (a branch of the military) to control the situation. The result? Those guys are charging undercover now up to 2 USD per liter!!, quasi-European prices. So a guy like that can get 2-3 desperate people, "earn" 100 USD in one afternoon and then spend them all in 1 jar of Nutella and 1 hour of "massage". Crazy, crazy all around.

Wow. It never occurred to me that economic "fairness/lucidity" isn't taken for granted. Thank you for sharing!

This all reminds me of the last days of the USSR.

And add the fact no one cared about gas milage. Most cars guzzle!

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