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That's a subset of the functional purity problem. It's a relatively-commonly-understood one, but Haskell has taken the argument far further than most, such that that is now only a subset of a larger argument about state and mutation. The argument is not merely that you've got some state being mutated in a bad way, the argument is that the fact you've got state mutating at all is a bad thing. In this case, it's state in the compiler phase, but it's ultimately the same argument. The argument would be that combining any two things that mutate state is inferior to trying to combine two things that don't, at any level.

I'm personally still skeptical of this general argument, but I mean that in the "true" sense of skeptical. I think in a lot of ways the benefits have panned out as promised but there's some costs still swept under the rug. Rather a lot of the development ongoing even now in the core Haskell community can be viewed as various ways of lowering or eliminating the costs associated with their approach.

(For instance, the still-ongoing, but rapidly converging, changes associated with trying to create a decent string library that does not treat strings as linked lists of integers. On the one hand you can see it as normal feature work, but on the other it's a way of trying to go from having an unusually bad string story induced by functional purity to potentially having an exceptionally good one. It's this sort of work that actually keeps me interested in Haskell; I don't know of any other community doing so many actually new things to prove out their philosophy, instead of rehashing mutation-based OO in yet another way.)

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