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...and this is how podcasting dies.

Just like how TV shows died once they became exclusive to one network or streaming service!

Just like how the blog-web died with walled gardens.

TV shows were always centrally distributed.

Perhaps a better example is Howard Stern?

Or this is how the Joe Rogan show dies.

Did radio die when Howard Stern signed with Sirius?

I could never set up my own radio station :).

The point of spotify moving into podcasts is to make a netflix-like channel that 1) attracts user and so 2) attracts more publishers. In turn, Spotify can do dynamically targeted and unskippable advertising which attracts more advertisers, and so more publishers.

As users and publishers leave the open, rss based, podcast world will have significant downwards pressure.

Point taken.

I am a paid subscriber to Stratechery and Dithering; I hope this model wins. The creators get paid directly.


With thunderous applause.

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