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> So Microsoft just copies any successful small product that shows up?

Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, or any other company that has the resources to do so. They're all the same in that regard.

Although I will give Apple credit for being the best at that. They are so successful that predecessor products go right in the memory hole, and Apple gets credit not just for their product, but for the whole category. E.g., the MP3 players before the iPod, the smartphones before the iPhone, and the smartwatches before the iWatch. (RIP respectively my Archos player, my Palm Treo, and my Pebble.)

> predecessor products go right in the memory hole

I think this phenomena is an artifact of how well they enter a market. Pre-iPhone smartphones were really bad. They all instantly felt 10 years old the day the iPhone released. That's probably the most extreme example, though.

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