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that's how you write haskell the first time. that's fine. easy, nice, simple. you've written a lot of code; it compiles, it works, no problem.

then you realise that you want to change a data structure or a function needs some information that you want to weave through it or you used the wrong abstraction. then it's a pain in the ass.

There are two points to be made here:

1. With a static type system, you can make the key change at the data type declaration level, and then chase down the compiler type errors to figure out all the place you need to change it. You need to do extra legwork in dynamically typed languages to get the compiler to tell you this sort of info: how many times have you changed some variable name in Python and forgotten to update the reference somewhere obscure?

2. Yes, if you have some pure, functional code, and then you decide you want to have a feature that uses state, fixing things up can be a bit tedious. I think there's an interesting space here for refactoring tools that help take out the tedium. I will also note that this restriction is a good thing sometimes: you know how you add a global here and a global there and suddenly you have an unmaintainable blob of global state? Haskell asks you to "slow down" and re-think about what you actually want to do. It encourages you to use the minimum amount of language features to get the job done. This leads to more maintainable code.

I think there's a space for partial compiles that Haskell doesn't take advantage of well. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Assume that you've got a simple dependency tree on defined names in a program and you want to refactor the type of one of the leafs. The type system is great here in that it'll track those mismatches straight up to the root.

The trouble appears if you want only an experimental type change at the leaf. It would be excellent to get successful partial compiles threaded up the tree. In other words, it should be possible to make a cut in the type dependence tree in order to test a functional subset of your program under more rapid experimental changes.

Once you've iterated enough to decide on a new formulation of that branch of the dependency tree, you can continue attempting typechecking up to the root node.

One thing I've seen done here is copy paste the method into a new name (usually with a leading underscore) and then make the appropriate changes. It's not hooked up to the rest of the system (but that wouldn't have worked anyway), and you can still compile it and poke at it.

That works as long as it's a simple dependency tree like I was talking about and there is a single cut with that property. It's pretty likely you'll have convergent nodes (like changing a datatype's interface late in the game) and there's no simple cut that can let the thing compile.

I mean, sure, this can all be manually avoided, but I still think that having GHCi "compile as much as typechecks" instead of stopping before loading any symbols would be nice.

I don't really see why you'd need that. In those sorts of circumstances I'd either add the new version of the function with a new name, or rename the function and add an oldFunc = undefined line to keep the type checker happy.

I have bitten severely by 2. I think having parameterized modules can go a long way in eliminating the pain of refactoring.

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