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Ask HN: How Do You Find/Curate Academic Papers?
9 points by scanny on May 18, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
After discovering Sci-Hub I am excitedly diving back into reading academic papers. Fellow HN denizens, what do you use for finding papers that interest you?

I have used sciencedaily.com for general news that sources directly from articles and journals, is there anything similar around for other areas, or niches, maybe something like a website or newsletter with articles of interest? For instance I enjoy reading research papers around political science and international relations, but also would love to explore things around UI/UX.

Pray tell, what do you use?

ACM digital library is great to browse (and search) [1], its free at the moment - they have SIGs(Special Interest groups) for currently active research areas - SIGCHI might be the one you're after for UI/UX [2]

In my brief stint in molecular biology I found review articles great for an overview of a topic, though I haven't seen these type of articles as much in CS.

[1] https://dl.acm.org

[2] https://www.acm.org/special-interest-groups/sigs/sigchi

This looks fantastic and exactly what I am looking for, thank you!

I spent the afternoon working it out myself and cataloging places to find papers, a combination of the following works amazingly well.

This chrome extension: https://github.com/allanino/sci-hub-fy

Track and catalog what I have read (à la GoodReads): https://www.zotero.org/

and Zoteros chrome extension for easy logging (works from within a PDF too): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zotero-connector/e...

which I sync to the web library (must create a free account and login to see) rather than using the desktop client: https://www.zotero.org/user/login/

That's awesome! Is there anything like 'meta' but more general? Or for other fields?

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