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Sure but they're both currently under patent protection. Since much of the value of the drug is likely to come in the next 18 months, they're both equally protected.

Why do you assume that? They could be modeling 20 year sales.

There will only be a pandemic market for a while.

Sure, but gov'ts will want to stockpile the stuff like Tamiflu. Everyone is going to want to be prepared for the next outbreak.

Because after 12-18 months, we'll hopefully have a vaccine and won't need to resort to an antiviral drug anymore.

At least assuming people get vaccinated.

What’s the rationale for expecting a vaccine in the next 12-18 months? To my knowledge there has never been a vaccine for a coronavirus.

There are vaccines for animal coronaviruses. There's never been one in humans because there's never been a need for one in humans before.

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