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I wonder if after 17 weeks of isolation their immune systems atrophied due to limited exposure to pathogens, making them more susceptible to relatively a 'small' initial exposure?

Are there implications for the millions of folks isolating and reducing their daily exposure to pathogens?

Atrophy, yes, but not from lack of challenge. More likely due to limited exercise, highly attenuated sunlight, and questionable diet.

No worse than your average winter in the northern US. We get that for 4-5 months at a time in upstate NY.

> I wonder if after 17 weeks of isolation their immune systems atrophied due to limited exposure to pathogens...

I keep seeing this idea floated around.

Our entire concept of vaccinations would fail if a few weeks of isolation could collapse your immune system. We retain immunity for decades against diseases like measles that our bodies may not see at all during that time period.

None of us has a living environment approaching anything like a clean room, either, no matter how fastidious the housekeeping.

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