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I remember one of the online British banks writing up a whole detailed post on how they knew exactly who has been stealing money from them.

They wrote up all of their information and sent it to the police who came back with: "Yeah, thanks. Here's the thing: this is non-violent crime and the total amount stolen is less than GBP 100,000" (don't remember the exact number but something thereabouts).

People like to think that the police are salivating for every crime that could come through the door. More realistically, they are an overworked group with less resources than they need to tackle and or solve many of the cases they are presented with.

Plus, just like you, they have to prioritize their work based on various dimensions of incentives such as what looks good to their boss, what is hard vs easy etc. For example, do you tackle the case that is small and easy to close with not a lot of publicity or the big case that may be harder to close but will net big wins in the PR budget?

Usually in that situation you could sue the person in court.

Easier to prove too.

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