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a natural gas plant doesn't really suffer from this "idle" problem you're describing with coal power plants. it's also much cleaner.

Why is that? I was under the impression that gas versus coal just changes the fuel that is burnt.

Have you ever had a camp fire/bonfire? It takes a LONG time to get the wood hot enough to burn well.

In contrast your gas stove goes on and off in a moment.

Coal vs gas is the same way.

Natural gas produces about half the CO2 emissions per unit energy as coal. (And presumably less other harmful stuff like radioactive fly ash.)


A gas plant can be ramped up and down quite fast, so they can be used as a so-called "peaker" plant, only producing when there's a shortage of solar/wind power. Coal takes a while to get hot and to cool down, so it's only worth using it if you need a constant stream of energy.

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