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The money that Mozilla makes from Google comes primarily from setting Google as the default search engine in Firefox. You can see lots more details on this here (2016 numbers): https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/foundation/annualreport/2016/

I think stating that Google controls Firefox is vastly overstating the degree of influence.

Is it reasonable to assume that bing will be more than happy to become the default should google leave any space on the table?

Bing already pays for users, and once you give it time to build up a profile of you so it stops returning reptiles and vegetables when you're trying to search for Python libraries, it's equal in quality to Google. If having a high quality service literally give you things to use it doesn't break Google's stranglehold on search, what will?

I think the default for some time was DuckDuckGo, and that helped raise them out of complete obscurity, but it didn't reshape the internet landscape.

I'm pretty sure a lot of companies would pay a lot of money for that.

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