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I think we can ethically sell things that don't exist to "sophisticated" investors - which is hard to define but probably based on net worth. Maybe limit the $ amount you can invest per person from "poor" investors to $1000 or something. But the question is, is it a scheme or an investment?

That said people buying crazy options on sites like /r/wallstreetbets, or just betting on sports are in the same boat, so where to draw the line? I think it is better to err on the side of controlling such investment schemes though rather than let them run loose.

The solution to the US controlling everything is to set up truly decentralised currencies like Bitcoin and keep a brand or controller out of that. Someone in the world can do this anonymously and it would be hard to shut down. Has anyone shut Bitcoin down yet?

The US already has a system for this: accredited investors. I believe the thresholds are $200k/yr income for several years or at least $1m in assets.

This makes me wonder if TON ran afoul of the SEC somehow.

They did, as you can read in great detail in the SEC complaint.

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