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> I can't memorise AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFwAU7Q9tccWIyPviJuzAatFIgQZVRr7mExznfbUR9Il. I can't print it on a poster when promoting my service. I can use a QR code, but that's ripe for exploitation. Someone can easily replace the QR code on my poster, and there's no way for anyone viewing the poster to know that it's not the correct QR code.

Which isn't a problem of the qr code, since you can't tell if someone replaced AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFwAU7Q9tccWIyPviJuzAatFIgQZVRr7mExznfbUR9Il with AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI17TE5AAAAIFwAU7Q9tccWIyPviJuzAatFIgQZVRr7mExznfbUR9Il.

At least you have a fighting chance of realising something is wrong when they say "x3blah has released a new album. Get it now from x4blah.com". Humans can only understand human understandable things.

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