* your plane crashes because the avionics computer OOM’s because you’re running chrome
* your plane crashes because JS decides that the pitch angle is suddenly NaN and plows the plane into the ground.
* your plane won’t take off, because there’s been yet another NPM dependency breakage because someone got annoyed and removed their single line “right pad” package, which causes the avionics to break because some dependency 400 layers down the tree used it to align an ad that displays on the command line at startup
* the plane crashes because in an emergency the pilots couldn’t find the instrumentation they were looking for, because the UI was updated for the 15th time that month and that disk has been removed “because A/B testing showed nobody clicked on it”.
Marking this to reference it in a couple of years or decades, when it probably has become a laughable understatement instead of a sarcastic exaggeration.