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Is that the same as inheritance of types in CS?

No; lookup Calculus of Construction. Dependent types allows you to specify an dependence between different values in your type directly within your type system; which has great implications for type safety and so on.

A classic example is that you can specify the 2-vectors on the unit circle as "{ (x,y) : x,y in R | x^2 + y^2 = 1 }" (read as "the set of real 2-tuples, where their norm is equal to 1".) This is not possible in most languages; the closest you can get in most languages is "{ (x,y) : x,y in R }".

My personal pet peeve with dependent types and proof-driven programming in general is the wealth of options in formulating propositions. I've seen at least five different ways of defining equivalency.

>you can specify the 2-vectors on the unit circle as "{ (x,y) : x,y in R | x^2 + y^2 = 1 }"

Which is not possible for any language targeting real machines since floats have fixed precision.

You can specify the 2-vectors on the unit circle as "{ (x, y) : x, y in R | x^2 + y^2 - 1 < 0.000001 }" instead.

To clarify, "great implications" can mean "undecidability".

“a dependent type is a type whose definition depends on a value” So sayeth WikiP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependent_type

The example normally given is, for instance, being able to define a function whose return type depends of the value (not the type) of its argument – for example, a function which takes in a natural number and returns an array with exactly the length of that natural number.

Dependent types are one of the axes in the Lambda Cube: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_cube – types have terms the way sets have elements (roughly speaking) and so you can [1] relate types with types (type operators), you can [2] relate terms with types (polymorphism), and lastly [3] types with terms (dependent types) – giving a three-dimensional type theoretic space.

(Btw, I don't know if it even makes sense to talk about relating terms with terms or what feature of type theory captures this notion – so don't ask me!)

Nope, it's a Programming Language Theory thing. See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependent_type

No, it is not.

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