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> Since Xcode is no longer free

Turns out Xcode was never actually free: previous major releases were synchronized with OS releases. Xcode 2 came with 10.4, Xcode 3 came with 10.5.

The reason why they were "free" and Xcode 4 is not is... that Xcode 4 has been released "mid-cycle" before Lion landed. Previous Xcode were "paid" through the OS they came with, even if you downloaded them from Apple's website as it was the OS entitling you to the relevant Xcode install.

With that said, where are we so far on Xcode?

* Since Lion has not been released yet, all macbooks but Air come with the standard DVD set which contains an Xcode install

* Xcode 3.2.6 and the iOS 4.3 SDK are still available as free downloads for the Air (or to replace older Xcode installs), just go into the dev center and you are given a link to Xcode 3. You even get a download link for Xcode 3 from the Xcode 4 page: https://connect.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MemberSite.woa/...

I understand that people kind-of freakout (I did originally), but if you actually look at the events with a cool head, and previous devtools-related-events (as well as previous instances of Apple's wonky SOX-related decisions), it seems extremely likely Xcode 4 will go back to "free for everybody" on Lion, it might even be an at-install option (à la OSX Server).

Oh yeah, and there are already binary distributions of OSX compilers: http://llvm.org/releases/download.html has both Clang and LLVM-GCC binaries for OSX.

Xcode 3 works fine so yeah I agree. We'll point people there.

That makes sense. Following that logic, the version that will be "free" will require Lion.

Indeed, that is what I meant, but I may have lost myself in my word-soup.

(note: "free" for everybody, Xcode 4 is already "free" if you're part of Apple's subscriber developer programs at $99/year).

On the other hand, it's annoying that Apple leaves everybody in the dark: if Lion is released in, say, 6 months. And if Xcode 4 is "free" on Lion. Does that mean non-subscribers bought 6 months of Xcode for $5? Isn't that a bit sucky?

Not really. If you value Xcode 4 so little that $5 to get it six months early (before spending $150 to get it with Lion) is "sucky" for you, it doesn't sound like you wanted it in the first place.

That's less than 3 cents per day; not a huge cost, especially if you're using it for work. How many other things can you rent for less than $1/month?

> That's less than 3 cents per day; not a huge cost, especially if you're using it for work.

If you use it for work, I'd expect you have a (paid) developer account, therefore you got it for free.

Professionals using Xcode for work are by far the least likely to need to pay for Xcode 4. Hobbyists or free-software developers, on the other hand...

No hobbyist needs to pay for Xcode 4. You can use Xcode 3 for free, or you can pay $5 and use Xcode 4 without having to wait for and buy Lion, or you can just wait and get it free with Lion.

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