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I'm feeling shakes every 20 minutes or so; one of the earthquake alerts on my phone actually preceded the shaking by about 10 seconds. My body's so used to the shaking that it always thinks it's shaking -- I set up a bottle of water to look at just so I don't go insane.

11:30 pm JST and I'm still feeling quakes.

To verify your sanity: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/qu...

Some of the later quakes were als closer to Tokyo compared to the big one.

The map view helps to visualize the intense chain reaction after shocks (some north of 6.0) that have been set off. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Maps/10/1...

4:00 am JST, had a 30 second quake that bashed my head on the wall and woke me up.

Edit: I'm from seismically-inactive Pennsylvania and completely not used to this, even after four years. It took me a while to fall asleep the first time since I kept feeling like I was shaking and would jerk awake. Now I don't know if I should try to fall asleep again or what.

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