Align your windows near the middle ok your display.
Displays are always in wide shape and if you maximize windows size of any app, you'll be looking to the left quite a lot.
What I do is I just narrow every window, so the left edge starts from a little bit left of the center of the display, so if I'm reading a page on a web, my neck would mostly be moving around the center of my natural facing position.
You can put other small window to the blank space at the left or put some desktop files there to be always accessible.
Displays are always in wide shape and if you maximize windows size of any app, you'll be looking to the left quite a lot.
What I do is I just narrow every window, so the left edge starts from a little bit left of the center of the display, so if I'm reading a page on a web, my neck would mostly be moving around the center of my natural facing position.
You can put other small window to the blank space at the left or put some desktop files there to be always accessible.