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So since most of y'all understand American geography better than Japanese geography:

My friends in Osaka (San Fran) felt it.

I live in Ogaki (Kansas). There was a mild panic in the mall, and our trains stopped for a few minutes.

Folks in Tokyo are largely shaken but not terribly affected (Boston/DC ish).

Miyagi/etc (Maine-ish) got a wee bit whacked by a tsunami. They had a few minutes of warning. Reports will come in for a few hours, but we're really good at dealing with this.

I found the way the news dealt with the Tsunamis amusing.

Video: No Tsunamis. Clear water

Announcer: 6 Meter Tsunami Warning

American News: 10 METER TSUNAMIS!!!! BWAAAA!!!!

Osaka is kind of cool but gets a bit...weird...at times, there isn't much to speak of in Ogaki, and Miyagi is a fishing town?

Miyagi is a prefecture. Like a state or province.

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