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As a renter and voter, my preferred policy solution is to suspend rental evictions, let the foreclosures go forward as mortgages are a risky asset, then let the market sort it out at auction. That sounds like a more market-oriented solution to me.

Not sure if you'd feel the same if the building you're renting in ended up in the foreclosure bucket, then bought by someone who wants to kick everyone out of the building and raze it.

> That sounds like a more market-oriented solution to me.

Market-oriented solutions in times like these tend to (continue to) optimize for profit and fail to consider the humans involved. No thank you.

Over 62.5 percent of American homeowners have a mortgage, worth collectively over $10 trillion dollars (total equity is ~$18 trillion). You are entitled to your opinion, but are in the minority.

How many homeowners also rent? I have a mortgage on a cabin in Idaho, but rent in California. I would vote to support the renters, because although I'm practically neutral, homeowners have at least 1 asset and are generally better off in wealth and savings.

Also, majority rule is probably not the relevant metric here (even if renters + owners were mutually exclusive sets). We have a long history of not going strictly with the majority.

The percentage of homeowners who have a mortgage says nothing about how many rent vs own. That said, the relevant number seems to actually be higher.

64.2 percent of Americans are homeowners. Still a majority compared to renters.

> Still a majority compared to renters.

I'd noted it was higher so that would follow, yes. I left out the precise number because I saw some variation in the across sources and couldn't be bothered to dig into the details as it didn't make a difference anyway.

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