No I'm not a writer and I don't have nearly the insights needed. I'd read it though.
I have been around compiler internal formats and "bytecode" representations since the mid 80es. WASM is simply brilliant for what is designed for. I'm particularly in love with the structured control flow (key for enabling 1-pass translation). I used a block structure IR a compiler IR in the mid-90es. (EDIT: am I being trolled?)
I think wasm will be the portable bytecode we have all been promised. It will literally run our flying cars.
It also melts away the need for an MMU and because of that, the operating system. Requiring an OS, kernel/user code is no longer referentialy transparent, but with wasm, you can basically have an infinite number of hypervisors.
I'm carefully optimistic that WASM could point a path out of our legacy. It has a lot of potential and opens up new possibilities, so please use it and contribute improvements :)
What do you think about wasm?