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Redis can be a very powerful tool, it can also be a sign that something has gone wrong.

Redis is a high performance key/value store with adjustable consistency. It can be used as a caching layer, and it can also do a solid job of representing a basic message queue. It typically fits in on the data layer to store computed results for fast retrieval, but it can also behave like a read replica (storing data from outside your domain).

That being said, when Redis becomes a critical part of your stack for performance reasons it usually means something has gone wrong in your data layer. I often times see teams use an antipattern of taking data from their database, changing it's shape to what they want, and then storing that new model in redis. If you're the only consumer of your data, then your data model is incorrect and you're using Redis to paper over that fact.

This doesn't sound like the worst way to reduce expensive reads of normalised data. Is the implication that it should have been solved with views, was incorrectly normalised, or that a document/key-value store should have been used other than Redis?

Edit: I suppose a hypothetical can go many ways, it could be a poor data access pattern. What was the root cause in some of your experiences?

If your data model is too slow to work for your use cases, your data model is wrong. If your data model can't be indexed by your data store, your data model or your data store is wrong. If you're storing large amounts of performance sensitive normalized key-value data in a column based SQL database, again something has gone terrible wrong.

Agree with you, that's bad, there are also places which use redis as a primary data store. That's actually messed up.

Is this that bad? At our company we are using redis for real time recommendations. And this is our primary database for storing accumulated statistics about items and users. It has been important to us to have a quick way to share the data between the workers and we chose redis.

You're fine. The simplistic interface that Redis provides to sets, and therefore empowering pragmatic recommendation engines, is the perfect tool for this job.

There's nothing a priori wrong with using redis as a primary data store if your data is temporal and your durability needs are aligned with it's model.

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