It would be much harder to "look down" on the protestors if their protests were backed by sanity. For every sign saying "I need to work to feed my family," you see 20 saying:
* Coronavirus is a hoax!
* Fake nurses!
* 5G cellphones cause coronavirus!
* Impeach Bill Gates!
* Vaccines are poison!
* Social Distancing is Communism!
* Freedom!!
There are reasonable arguments against the temporary shutdown, but the protesters are not part of that reasonable conversation.
For every sign saying "I need to work to feed my family," you see 20 saying...
Ask yourself this: Why is the media playing up those fringer crazies, and not covering the very poignant, socially relevant, and human angle of "I need to work to feed my family"? Then go and look up Manufacturing Consent. Here's how propaganda often happens in the West: Emotional manipulation is better than outright ham-handed Pravda-esque censorship.
BTW, you seem to have watched the same "All Gas No Brakes" YouTube video of the Sacramento protests I did. You name the very same nutcase signs as appeared in the video. There's part of your answer right there: If it bleeds it leads. Nutcase signs are easy to get viral sharing out of. They tick the humor and outrage buttons all at the same time.
This is a good thing. If someone tries to associate freedom with bad people, it's because they want all the power for their own tribe.
Note this quote from a cousin comment: "People who are 'lower on the socioeconomic ladder' are the ones going on strike for PPE, hazard pay and sick leave that the media are dutifully ignoring." Please, ask yourself why the media are dutifully ignoring certain things.
You realize everything what you say holds true on the opposite side of things, yes?
All of the media coverage I've seen and read played up those protesters as valiant, the suffering workers of the world uniting to stop the government from destroying their career.
Your argument that this is the result of a unified media doesn't exactly work, unless you're referring specifically to media you disagree with.
Your argument that this is the result of a unified media doesn't exactly work
Well, of course not. That's the classic trope of putting the predicate calculus version of "All" into another's mouth. However, depending on where you look, such an approach is quite predominant in the "mainstream." I don't have time to review all media myself, personally.
Complaints of media manipulation and conspiracy are also a longstanding, standard element of the fringe's message. When your message is strong and supportable, you want a camera and microphone pointed at you. When your message doesn't make any sense, then media attention is always painted as mean and biased.
Every protest in the USA, no matter where it sits on the moral or political spectrums, tries to hitch its wagon to "Freedom" in some way. It's become a word you just paint on a sign when you can't think of something to actually be complaining about.
* Coronavirus is a hoax!
* Fake nurses!
* 5G cellphones cause coronavirus!
* Impeach Bill Gates!
* Vaccines are poison!
* Social Distancing is Communism!
* Freedom!!
There are reasonable arguments against the temporary shutdown, but the protesters are not part of that reasonable conversation.