And therefore Rust will never outcompete Go in this regard in as much as Haskell, Ocaml, ... never overtook C. Rust might draw from the better principles and get things right C, C++, D, Go, ... failed to incorporate. But in order to get things done a company has to source developers from a market and consider that developers get replaced by another, taking over.
Even in a globalized developer market a smaller developer force is a risk.
In German we have a saying "to die in beauty" (in Schönheit sterben), does that translate? Your boss wants to get things done in due time and I see Go outcompete Rust in this respect.
Even in a globalized developer market a smaller developer force is a risk.
In German we have a saying "to die in beauty" (in Schönheit sterben), does that translate? Your boss wants to get things done in due time and I see Go outcompete Rust in this respect.