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Actually migrating from Perl5 to Raku may be less painful than migrating from Python2 to Python3 for some codebases.

That is because you can easily use Perl5 modules in Raku.

    use v6;

    use Scalar::Util:from<Perl5> <looks_like_number>;

    say ?looks_like_number( '5.0' ); # True
Which means that all you have to do to start migrating is make sure that the majority of your Perl codebase is in modules and not in scripts.

Then you can migrate one module at a time.

You can even subclass Perl classes using this technology.

Basically you can use the old codebase to fill in the parts of the new codebase that you haven't transferred over yet.


By that same token you can transition from Python to Raku in much the same way. The module that handles that for Python isn't as featurefull as the one for Perl yet.

    use v6;

        # load the interface module
        use Inline::Python;

        use base64:from<Python>;

        my $b64 = base64::b64encode('ABCD');

        say $b64;
        # Buf:0x<51 55 4A 44 52 41 3D 3D>

        say $b64.decode;
        # QUJDRA==

        # Raku wrapper around a native library
        use Base64::Native;

        my $b64 = base64-encode('ABCD');

        say $b64;
        # Buf[uint8]:0x<51 55 4A 44 52 41 3D 3D>

        say $b64.decode;
        # QUJDRA==

        use MIME::Base64:from<Perl5>;

        my $b64 = encode_base64('ABCD');

        say $b64;
        # QUJDRA==

        use Inline::Ruby;
        use base64:from<Ruby>;

        # workaround for apparent missing feature in Inline::Ruby
        my \Base64 = EVAL 「Base64」, :lang<Ruby>;

        my $b64 = Base64.encode64('ABCD');

        say $b64;
        # «QUJDRA==
        # »:rb

        say ~$b64;
        # QUJDRA==
I just used four different modules from four different languages, and for the most part it was fairly seamless. (Updates to the various `Inline` modules could make it even more seamless.)

So if I had to I could transition from any of those other languages above to Raku at my leisure.

Not like Python2 to Python3 where it has to mostly be all or nothing.

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